
Our preschool program at Precious Angel’s Child Center includes specific goals and objectives for the following ages:

3 year olds – 4 year olds

Language and Communication: The whole language approach is our model. This is one in which children are exposed to print and language that are integrated into each activity center. Children are encouraged to build problem solving and language skills. Sign language is introduced to the students. Computers are introduced and they attend 2 days a week.

Science: Open ended questions by the teacher help the children learn how to question and teach how to be thinkers. Hands on activites include using table play, exposure to plants, and animal life, air and the earth. Nutrition awareness and cooking activities are also offered. Experimenting with food colors, oil & water, baking soda, and a variety of miniature experiments dealing with scales and magnifying glasses.

Math: Activities include classification, sets, numbers, quantity, length, height, simple addition and subtraction, more and less, and money. Number concepts; age, calendar, months of the year, days of the month, counting, birthday, address, phone number, games, puzzles, tracing visual perception, and manual aids.

Social Studies: Learning about the world around us is the focus of this curriculum area. Occupatons, neighborhoods, families, and field trips are some of the areas that are touched upon.

Music: Exposure to and involvement with many different instruments as well as all types of music are introduced in our program. Rhythms are also practiced by learning songs and finger plays. Music is a intricate part of our curriculum as your child will be exposed from the moment they walk into our Center till the moment they leave.

Art: Exploratory, sensory art activities help the child experience a variety of art. Paints, chalk, pencils, paper, makers, glue, and play dough are available in a free choice activity center for the children to use during project time.

The above goals and objectives include gross motor, fine motor, interest and curiosity, cognitive and problem solving, social and emotional feelings, safety, cleanliness skills, fire safety, language, self-help, and health and nutrition.

Parents – ask your child what they learned about today, what they did in centers, what type of project they worked on, (if you do not see the project in their folder, it is probably hanging in the classroom) what song did they sing! Communicate – it makes wonderful dinner conversation.

Preschool Daily Activity Schedule

7:00 – 9:00   |  Staggered arrival; teachers greet children and talk to parents; self selected activities (table tops) such as books, manipulatives, play dough, coloring

9:00 – 9:30   |  Diaper changes and / or potty time wash up
Healthy habit snack (provided by the Center), juice or water

9:30 – 10:00   |  Circle time: introduction to the day’s activities, discussion related to daily topics, calendar, weather, and story

10:00 – 11:00  |  Center time: (self selected activities in learning center, indoors and outdoors)

11:00  – 11:30   |  Staff directed curriculum activities for small groups to reinforce specific concepts.

11:30 – 12:00    |  Outdoor time and / or gym time; self selected activities and some organized games.

12:00 – 12:15    |  Bathroom / wash up

12:15 – 2:45    |  Lunch time

12:45 – 2:45     |   Nap time / Rest time

2:45 – 3:15   |  Bathroom/wash up  Healthy habit snack (provided by the Center), juice or water

3:15  – 4:00   |  Circle time: story, sing along, puppets, show & tell

4:00 – 4:30    |  Center time: (self selected activities in learning centers, both indoors and outdoors)
Clean up time

4:30 – 5:30  |  Staggered departure; self selected activities at the table tops (manipulatives, puzzles, books)