

Precious Angel’s Child Center will offer a hot lunch program that is prepared by a restaurant for a fee. Lunch will be under the healthy habit program by being very nutritious and will include the food groups along with milk. You may purchase hot lunch either weekly or daily. Please pay and attach the exact money to the slip provided at the lunch box in the foyer and drop in the box. We will not be making change.

If you are sending in a lunch please:

  • make it nutritious
  • do not send in candy, gum, soda, and please minimize the desserts
  • label lunch bags; send in thermal lunch bags w/ ice pack, napkins, utensils
  • do not send in anything that needs to be prepared
  • send food that is easy to eat and access from their own lunch bags

Our school opens at 7:00 a.m. which means we have some early risers. If you need to send in a breakfast, the children will be allowed to have it until 7:30 a.m. After that time we will be having a having a healthy habit snack daily at 9:00 a.m. We provide two nutritious snacks daily for your child, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each child is offered the same snack along with juice or water. Our snacks consist of but not limited to: bananas, apples, grapes, raisins, animal crackers, gold fishes, golden and saltine crackers, toast, cheerios, and pretzels.

We will let you know how your child has eaten each day. If there are any food items that your child is allergic to, please make sure to include them in the space provided on your child’s application form. A notice will be posted in each room for any child who has food allergies.


Birthdays are always a welcome celebration at our center. Each classroom celebrates birthdays once a month. Parents may sign up to bring in cake and supplies, but all food must be purchased not homemade. You may leave invitations for your child’s birthday party providing all children in the class are invited. If all children are not included, invitations will not be allowed to be passed out at PACC. This is to ensure that no child is left out or has his or her feelings hurt. Due to the importance of self-esteem, we strictly enforce this policy.