Enrollment fee:

There will be a non-refundable enrollment fee, per child, that will be charged at the time of registration.


Tuition is due in advance on Fridays if paying weekly, or by the 1st of each month if paying monthly. Tuition can be paid monthly which gives a substantial savings, or weekly, by check or cash. Cash will only be accepted by administration. The following will occur:

  • If tuition is late, a $25.00 late fee, will be added to your tuition bill.
  • A $25.00 fee will be charged for any return checks.
  • Tuition is due regardless of your child’s attendance.
  • No discounts or substitution days are given for holidays, vacation, time out due to illness, scheduled or unscheduled days closed.
  • If your child attends any fraction of the week, you will still be responsible for a full week’s tuition.
  • Tuition is still due even if you are on vacation.

Scheduling Changes

Request for additional days and/or hours must be made through the Director. We will make every effort to accommodate, but there are no guarantees. Payment for additional hours will be due in the same week. If your child is absent on their scheduled days(s), makeup day(s) are not guaranteed. This is regardless of vacation, holidays, sick time, or scheduled/unscheduled days closed. Makeup days may only occur if a request is brought to the Director’s attention and accommodations for availability can be met.

Grievance Policy

If you have a problem or a complaint that pertains to your child or your child’s classroom, please direct your concerns to Administration. If you would like to meet with the teacher, a scheduled meeting can be arranged.

Program Evaluation

The program of Precious Angel’s Child Center will be evaluated by the parents/guardians each June, annually. Results will be reviewed and provisions may be made for improvements. Feel free to drop a note in our Parent Box located in the foyer which is also labeled the lunch money box.