Some staff members have been specifically trained to give medications to children. Should the need arise for your child to receive medications while at the School, an Authorization for Medication Administration form must be submitted along with the medication. All authorization forms and medications must be given to the Director or certified staff member for review before leaving the building. Each line in the form must be completed in full, dated and signed by both you and the doctor or the medication will not be given.
Prescription medication must have a prescription label with the child’s name and date on it. Medical samples and over the counter medicines MUST have a written note from the doctor as well as a form signed by the parent. These must be in the original packaging and identified with your child’s first and last name. Chap stick, teething medications, medicated powders, sun screen product that are free from PABA or its derivatives, non-prescription diaper rash medicines that do not contain antibiotics, antifungal, or steroidal components, and insect repellant that are free of DEET and modified diets do not require a doctor’s signature, but do not need a parent’s written permission on a center-supplied form. Such items must be labeled and given to your child’s teacher.
Teachers must always be aware of any medication your child is currently taking, especially any given to your child prior to coming to the center that day. NEVER send your child to school with medicine packed in their belongings, including sippy cups. All unused medication must be taken home within one week after the administration period is complete or the order has expired. Any medication not taken home will be destroyed according to our policy. No medication will be given unless the first dose has been given by the parent or guardian. Only one dose of medication per day will be given to a child at the School.