
PACC offers a Full – Day Kindergarten. Our Kindergarten consist of the following schedule:

Kindergarten is curriculum based on beginning reading and writing skills. Lessons are based around the students unique interests and experiences. The curriculum plan is designed to help students explore and acquire the key concepts and tools of inquiry of the various disciplines in ways that are comprehensible and accessible for their age. Our curriculum is planned and implemented to help children achieve important developmental and learning goals. Students have opportunities to develop print awareness, sense of story, appreciation for literature, and understanding of the various uses of the written word, while learning particular letter names and letter-sound combinations and recognizing words that are meaningful to them.

Throughout the day the students have opportunities to move freely and use large muscles in planned movement activities which support gross-motor development. The students also have the opportunity throughout the day to develop fine-motor skills through play and structured activities. Our students are exposed to sign language and Spanish and many extra curriculum activities as well as presentations from a variety of performances that sparks the imagination.

Our Kindergarten Teacher is qualified to work with preschool and kindergarten students as a result of a Bachelors degree in early childhood education.

Inquire about our competitive rates and the fabulous education that your child will receive at Precious Angel’s Child Center.

Kindergarten  Daily Activity Schedule

7:00 – 8:45   |  Arrival – Breakfast until 7:30 a.m.

8:45   |  Start of Kindergarten Day

9:00 –9:30   |  Choices / Journals

9:30 – 9:45   |  A.M. Snack

9:45  – 10:15   |  A.M. Circle / Reading / Writing

10:15  – 12:00    |  Project / Centers ( Dramatic Play, Blocks, Touch Tables, Art, Transportation, Listening, Dollhouse, Puzzles, Reading, Math, Science, Writing, and Table Tops )  / Specials ( Music, Computers, Gym )

12:00 – 12:50    |  Lunch / Recess

12:50 – 1:15    |  Quiet Activities / Free Play

1:15 – 1:45     |   Specials ( Music, Computers, Gym ) / Activities

1:45 – 2:30   |  Math Lessons / P.M. Circle

2:30 – 2:45   |  Clean-up / End of Kindergarten Day

2:45  – 3:15    |  P.M. Snack / Activity

3:15 – 5:30   |  After School / Centers / Outside / Free Play / Departure